Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Idolizing Everything!

I hate, and this makes me very turned-off at people, of how we idolize everything. For example, mention the word Ferrari when talking about cars. Everyone thinks it would be so damn cool to have such an impractical and pretty much useless car, but.... we've been 'trained' to think that 'this' is success, and this is 'cool'. Well, I see it as lack of wisdom, lack of free thinking, lack of intelligence. Listen all, Labels are just that, LABELS! A car has a name, a laundry soap has a name, everything for sale HAS A NAME, that's how we market it! But we are so use to becoming familiar (a word derived from FAMILY) with these items and their names and what they 'represent', that we are not seeing the clear picture. We've been poisoned by marketing and labels.

Another example, beer! What makes a foreign beer cooler? The name?!?! It's still just fermented hops and barley and crap and makes you drunk and pee a lot and act like an idiot.

Another: Some TV shows, like "sex in the city!" This one really pisses me off. Talk about glamorizing more dysfunctional behavior for America! No wonder immigrants from foreign countries are coming over here and succeeding, while we sit back, watch our crap on television, get poisoned with bad TV and too drunk off of our fermented hops with the cool name, dreaming about some crap car that we'll never afford yet continually lust after, while these NEW Americans work their little asses of in our convenience stores and wind up owning several businesses and putting ALL of their kids through college and best of all, and here's the kicker everyone... THEY STAY A FAMILY THROUGH IT ALL!! Not broken up like the damn naughty show "SEX IN THE CITY" crap!

Get a clue America!

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